To: Subject: FAO Investigations Department, WMP; Crime Numbers: 20DY/97321X/20 - ASB [Anti-social behaviour] and 20DY/97326N/20 - Assault; WMPCC Reference: 2020-01005; Dear Investigations, Gemma Bridgwater of the Commissioner's Office has suggested I try another electronic communication. I have included most of Gemma's note below. I have also included the text of most of my original message to the Commissioner, below, which includes the text of my original complaint regarding the Police' reluctance to take action in this case; a screen-shot confirming the receipt of my original complaint is attached. Can I request a response? DAustin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25th November WMPCC Reference: 2020-01005 I am emailing you following our telephone conversation on the 16th November 2020: Since, I have contacted the Professional Standards Department and have been informed that your concerns have been forwarded to the Investigations Department. I have been advised that a member of the Team will therefore be contacting you in due course in order to provide you with an update. Gemma Bridgwater Business Support Officer West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Lloyd House, Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6NQ Tel: 0121 626 6060 Madam/Sir, I have made elaborate arrangements to avoid a confrontation with my neighbour which curtail my activities and seriously damage my way-of-life; I have complained, through the official channels, that WMP has not taken any action against my neighbour, but WMP continue to claim an absence of documentation - very convenient! I have copied below the latest correspondence, which contains the original complaint, and which should contain sufficient references to trace the history of this unfortunate, but very unpleasant case; no reply has been received. Etc, DWAustin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request For Update On A Crime That Has Been Reported On The Phone, 26/9/20 [Sent 10:12 to:] Madam/Sir, The confirmation of receipt of my on-line complaint  did not come with a reference, hence my aid to identification: "Complaint submitted Monday 13th July 2020 (submission confirmation received 0938)." I imagined [sic] that the complaint could be traced from that information. The original issue is complicated as there are various offences and crime numbers relating to this complaint, but it may be helpful to supply the text of the 'complaint information': Please find a copy of your complaint information below: 1. Complainant details Complainant name Mr David Austin Date of birth Friday, May 27, 1955 - 00:00 Place of birth Kingston Occupation Teacher/Tutor/Lecturer 2. Equality of service monitoring form Gender Male Sexual orientation Heterosexual Disability None Ethnicity Prefer not to say Religious belief Prefer not to say 3. Complainant contact details Complainant address 162 High Street Lye Village Stourbridge, West Midlands. DY9 8LT Email address Telephone number 07747095166 Preferred method of contact Email 4. Agent details Is an agent acting on behalf of the complainant? No 5. Details of your complaint Start date of incident Friday, April 24, 2020 - 00:00 Start time of incident 1540 End date of incident Saturday, April 25, 2020 - 00:00 End time of incident 1110 Incident location Landing, apartments 157-162 High Street Lye Stourbridge DY9 8LT Incident number (if known) Crime Numbers: 20DY/97321X/20 - ASB and 20DY/97326N/20 - Assault 6. What is your complaint about? Describe your complaint My neighbour, Philip Bradley (157 High Street DY9 8LT) still represents a source of considerable anxiety; his documented threats of violence and his approach towards me up the stairs and onto the landing (incident of 23/24 April), resisted by a hand to the throat, are 'unresolved' as I may well encounter Philip on my way out of or into the building. WMP considers there is "no independent evidence to support a prosecution" yet no witness can be considered entirely independent, for reasons of inherent bias, and two other witnesses were present on the landing - my immediate neighbours Colin Smart and his 'friend' Carole (both of 161 High Street DY9 8LT). 7. Complaint resolution What is your expected resolution? Some action in the form of a prosecution, caution, warning or apology, at least, to signal a reduced chance of further threatening behaviour and assaults. 8. Complaint circumstances Does your complaint arise from the complainant's arrest? No 9. Members of the police service subject of complaint. Are there any other members involved? No 10. Witnesses to the incident Were there any witnesses to the incident? Yes Witness first name Colin Witness last name Smart Witness address 161 High Street Lye Stourbridge, W Mids. DY9 8LT Were there any other witnesses? Yes Witness first name Carole Witness last name Unknown Witness address 161 High Street Lye Stourbridge, W Mids. DY9 8LT 11. Additional Information Please use this section to provide any extra information It is unfortunate and rather sad that over a decade of at least 'functional' neighbourly relations between two adults of the same age, hue and gender have declined so drastically; the reason is Philip's decision to bring a dog into the 'house' (where there is common access to six apartments) - it is a sad commentary on British society that such selfish and 'solipsistic' behaviour is condoned. 12. Confirmation Confirmation of details Yes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------